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Check Email With Webmail
There are several ways you can check your email. For example, you can setup a desktop email client such as Microsoft Outlook, Mac Mail or web-based clients such as Gmail to check your email. You can also check your email from your phone, such as an iPhone or an Android phone.
Like the previous examples, webmail is another tool you can use to send and receive email. Webmail is different because you can access it using a web browser. It doesn’t require you to setup the software. You can simply log into webmail and begin to use it.
Steps For Logging Into Webmail
The steps below will show you how to login to webmail. In this example, we are assuming the email address you want to check is
1. Visit sure to replace with your actual domain name.
2. Enter your username and password, and then click OK.
User Name: Enter your full email address, all lower case
Password: Enter your email address’ password
3. You should now be logged in! Click on one of the three webmail clients and get started using your email!
Troubleshooting Webmail Problems
I am not prompted for a username / password
If you are not asked to enter a username and password when visiting, please instead try going to
This issue is usually caused by a firewall within your network blocking the webmail ports of 2095 and 2096. Using allows you to access webmail over port 80, the normal port used for web traffic.
I Don’t Know whether I should click on SquirrelMail, Horde, or Roundcube!
After logging into webmail, you’ll be presented with three options: Horde, Roundcube, and SquirrelMail. These three options are different webmail clients that can be used for sending and reading email. All of them show you your email, however each of them has their own look & feel as well as their own unique features.
The 3 Available Webmail Clients
SquirrelMail: Limited in features, however this allows you to quickly read and respond to email
Horde: Has more functionality than SquirrelMail, however this can at times make the software slower and more “busy”
Roundcube: Is the new kid on block, just recently introduced into cPanel. Feature wise it falls in between SquirrelMail and Horde, however it has a very clean look and feel to it, similar to a desktop client such as Mac Mail our Outlook
Mail Client Configuration
When you access an email account through a desktop email application such as “MacOS®® for Lion (10.7+)”, Windows Mail, the email application will require specific information about your email account. To setup email’s use Manual Settings information provided below:
Secure SSL/TLS Settings
Username: Your email address. (example:
Password: Use the email account’s password.
Incoming Server:
POP3 Port: 995
Outgoing Server:
SMTP Port: 465
Authentication is required for IMAP, POP3, and SMTP.
IMAP email access coordinates between the server and your mail application. Messages that you have read, deleted, or replied to will show up as such, both on the server and in the mail application. We no longer support IMAP as of January 1st, 2017.
POP3 does not coordinate with the server. Messages that the mail application marks as read, deleted, or replied to will not show up as such on the server. This means that future mail downloads with POP3 will show all messages as unread.
The system uses SMTP to send outgoing mail.
We recommend that you use POP3 over SSL/TLS because they provide increased security for your interactions with the remote mail server.