Update your resume and portfolio
Read my blog post, Top 10 Tips for Getting Your Resume Read, to give your resume a complete over haul. Many people revisit their professional documents only when there’s an urgent reason — like applying for a job or meeting with a client or partner. However, it’s easier to polish up your portfolio, resume or CV before you need it — and when you aren’t under pressure or facing a tight deadline. When an opportunity comes up, all you’ll need to do is customize the information.
Craft your online presence
Not using social media for your career, or not keeping it up to date? Experts say we should be paying more attention because employers are watching. Surveys show more employers are using sites like LinkedIn and Facebook to check out potential employees — and check up on current ones.
Social media can also further your career or business. Use it to highlight your skills, experience and accomplishments and connect with colleagues, potential employers and clients.
If you aren’t using social media, consider starting with LinkedIn, a professional networking site that’s strictly business. (I have posted 3 previous times, about the reasons to use this networking site, 3 Reasons LinkedIn Is Better For Business Than Facebook or Twitter, and how to use it to gain referrals, 3 Rules for Using Linkedin to Find a Job and 6 Steps for Baby Boomers for Job Referrals from Linkedin.)
If you’re already using social media, now’s the time to double-check those privacy settings and make sure your content is clean and current. Employers have eliminated potential candidates and even fired workers based on what they’ve seen online.
Update your image
Like it or not, appearances matter and an outdated look could suggest that your skills and experience are outdated too. According to a recent article from AARP, refreshing their look is a concern for many older job seekers — even to the point of Botox treatments and plastic surgery.
However, a polished, well-groomed look doesn’t necessarily mean going to drastic lengths. Replace that 90s suit with a new one. Boomer men get rid of the 80s haircut and mustache. Try a fresh haircut or a new pair of glasses.
Bonus tip:
Never stop learning, and acquiring new skills that can make you an asset to your company — not to mention boost your resume. Employers look for a willingness and ability to learn as well as the talent you bring you to the table.
Not sure where to start? Use your contacts on LinkedIn to find out what skills are in demand. For instance, learning a new piece of software or tackling project management would add value to your your resume.
Blog post by Boomer54 Mark This is a Power 3s list.
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